Thursday, January 27, 2005

i'm excited but nervous

i'm playing a gig on saturday night, and i invited the whole church and most of my school. i don't know how many people will show up, but it could be really cool. i've pulled together about 20-25 songs that i can do well. i've been practicing them. they won't be memorized, some of them are, from gigs i've done in the past. i've decided that if i don't get out and play, i will just stagnate. my ultimate goal is to be able to play at least 1 hour of original music, but right now i don't have enough good songs, so i'll be doing quite a few covers. some you may have heard, some you may have not. so anyway. sorry for the lack of blogging lately. i just really haven't had anything to say. i've been studying the book of james. if you want to be convicted about your walk, then read james. it is an eye opener. journal about it as well. every chapter is just a slap in the face. it's like wake up people... this is what God desires of you. many people read james and write it off as legalism, but he really stresses faith and love throughout. anyway. i hope you have a great day. i'm off to my paying job. blessings to you and yours

have a good one

Friday, January 14, 2005

happy birthday to

the most engaging, beautiful, intelligent, vivacious, wonderful, sexy, funny, incredible woman that i know. i hope the next decade is as good as the first i've spent with you. actually i hope it gets better and better. "you got a figure like an hourglass just get better with time"

i love you

Thursday, January 13, 2005

no i haven't died

or fallen off the face of the earth, i just haven't blogged in a while. so sue me. this is actually just a "to let you know i'm still here" blog. amy's birthday is tomorrow, so be sure and tag her board. she says how old she will be on her board, but it is a big one and i think you all know which one that is. i am married to a beautiful, intelligent, hilarious woman. i thank God every day for the privelege to be with her. and she only gets more so with time. i'm looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of the year. we'll be married ten years on march 11th. well i hope you all have a great weekend. remember dr. mlk on monday, and i mean that with all sincerity. have a good one
