Thursday, September 08, 2005

so i thought i would blog

i've really been struggling with bitterness lately. and i can tell you that is the furthest thing from where i want to be. i want to dwell in the presence of my God. in His presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand are everlasting pleasures.

so enough about that. did i tell anyone the story about us driving home from pride class and out in the smack middle of 290 was this grandma (she had to be at least 65) driving a 80's model sedan with a huge canoe roped to the top of it. she was puttering along in the fastlane with her canoe. i couldn't help but laugh and wonder where she got the canoe. was it really hers, or was she just hauling it for someone else?

this next part is a bit out of David Crowder's Praise Habit which i highly recommend as required reading for anyone.

First I would spot a group of peers. The larger the better. No less than seven. They were required to be in a disorganized clump but close enough in proximity to one another for the unaided human voice to reach each individual.

Once I spotted the proper environment I would then project my voice with a weight of importance, indicating the neccesity of promptness in response. Some phrases that might be used were "Hey, come here." "Everyone. Pay attention. Over here." "Come close." "Closer." "Really, everyone lean in." "Quietly now. Listen." "I have something to say." After I had ensured complete silence and every eye was locked to mine, I would wait. I would look silently from person to person to person with a slightly approving grin. Inevitably, someone's patience would cease and he or she would say, "What?" in a raised, aggresive tone. In response, I would allow the grin to grow, to creep over my face, blooming into full smile. Then I, with utmost timing, would unleash the punchline: "I just wanted to be the center of attention."

i think that God wants to be the center of our attention and in the next part of the book david goes on to say that in Psalm 50 GOD says that He is about to speak. He shouts it, how can we not give Him our complete attention. Yet even amidst His shout, we are too busy and too consumed with the vanities of life to ever let Him be the center of attention. Oh Jesus be the center. be the one thing we live for.

God Bless


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