Friday, July 08, 2005

i was watching family guy last night

and they had one of those cool "adult swim" promos. i wish i had paid better attention, but it was talking about the "live 8" concerts. it said something to the affect of. "hey, thanks i'm now more aware. my awareness is there. but will awareness feed a child?"

my sentiments exactly. free concerts to raise awareness. so how much money did mtv, abc, and vh1 spend to put on these "free" concerts. how about the really cool swag that the performers got.

For most companies participating, the support generates great publicity. But the losers might be several companies that contributed to $12,000 luxury gift bags that will be handed out to celebrities, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Greenfield, the marketing expert and blogger, said the blogosphere has already been chattering about the gift bags, which will reportedly include Hugo Boss suits, Seven jeans, Gibson Guitars and Bertolucci watches, among other fancy gewgaws. Greenfield said it would have been much smarter for the companies to make a donation on the celebrities' behalf.
"We think it's interesting that brands want to be included in a swag bag that has to do with poverty," Greenfield said. "They're kind of missing the whole picture."

i think that maybe the celebs missed the picture. how hard would it have been to put on a $10 concert with ALL of the proceeds going to Africa. in London alone that would have netted $5 million on tickets.

also, did anyone see the trash on the ground in Philadelphia? the place they had the concert was trashed. i would imagine they had to pay someone to pick all of that up. evironmentalists my butt.

so amid the "one campaign" i offer up this to all companies and celebrities...put your money where your mouth is. you have millions of dollars at your disposal. you might impress me if you said to the G8, "whatever you forgive in debt, we will match in relief" brad pitt gets $20 million a picture. so do almost all of the other celebs. how much of "how to dismantle an atomic bomb's" sales are going to africa? what percentage of the $1200 seat behind the stage at the U2 concert is going to dig a well? i love U2 as much as the next guy, but i see bono being an activist making people aware, but he hasn't given up all he has like many of the missionaries who are there in the trenches. i'm sure he has given money and i've seen the film of him there, but why not get your high powered hollywood friends to give up one car or one outfit? quit asking our government to give our tax money that could take care of people here. how many people would that take care of? i mean "every little bit helps" are the people in the "one" commercial willing to give up their extravagant lifestyle to truly end poverty. how about it tom hanks? what do think jamie foxx? come on dennis hopper and al pacino? step up pat robertson. i don't think so. and that ladies and gentlemen is a travesty, a tragedy, and the screwing of america on the highest level.

(stepping off of soapbox)

God bless


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