define irony
i guess i could take steve buscemi's definition from con-air, "a bunch of idiots on a plane dancing and singing to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash", or i could quote alanis, "it's like raaaaiiiiaaan on your wedding day. it's a free ride when you've already paid", but the true definition of irony is the fact that the little girl at our school who won the D.A.R.E essay contest, by telling us that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs had messed up her family's life was suspended for two days for bringing cigarettes and a lighter to school. isn't it ironic....doncha think.
on a lighter note, amy and i are off of work for 2, count em 2 whole weeks. this is one thing i do like about teaching school is the time off. i know a lot of people schedule their vacation time during the holidays so they can travel with their kids, this really isn't vacation, because we don't get paid when we aren't there, but time off is time off. hope you all are doing well. if i haven't sent you the o holy night mp3 yet, leave me a comment and i'll shoot it to you.
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