why can't someone come up with an original reality tv idea
so fox comes out with "trading spouses" then abc has "wife swap". abc came out with "extreme makeover" fox comes out with "the swan". fox has "nanny 911" and then last night on abc, i see an ad for "super nanny" i mean come on folks, lets at least get original. i'm sure there are many more. many "bacheloresque" lookin po nub type shows. the only reality tv i truly like still is "survivor" and of course the grandaddy of them all "the real world" i really don't like this season very much. there isn't anyone that drives me nuts. not enough drama. but maybe i haven't watched it enough. there's no "frankie" that's for sure. as much as i didn't like her, she made the last season.
which brings me to my next topic. people i hate on reality shows.
jerri manthey
boston rob
the old lady from the thailand season
real world
whiny girl from paris, i can't remember her name
adam from paris
i pretty much hated the whole paris cast except for ace and chris
trading spouses
all of the rich women
the one from grapevine especially
and the vegan lady
ok, here is the amazing thing about reality tv. it shows the dysfunction of other people, so i can look at their lives and say. hey i may be messed up, but there is no way i'm that messed up. i think that is the attraction of things like the jerry springer show as well. btw, i don't watch that.
ok i had something funny that kenedy said, but i can't remember. in late breaking news, kenedy taught herself to ride her bike.
pray for kenedy. she has trouble focusing at school. and not the typical 2nd grader immaturity focus, but real hard time. she is supposed to copy things off of the board and paper, and it just doesn't happen. like yesterday her teacher wrote "group practice" on the board and ken wrote "grup practis" i don't get it. she is extremely bright and reads very well. not great at math, but getting there. she makes mostly A's, so what is the problem? she learned to read phonetically which is the only way in my opinion, but she spells that way too. anyway, pray for her and us that God will show us how to handle her lack of focus and absentmindedness. for a minute there i thought i was talking about me. she comes by it honestly
all for now. have a great day. i encourage you to hit the next blog button at the top of your blog, or my blog. you never know what you'll get. amy clicked it the other day and got an italian lady standing in a doorway in her birthday suit. i've never found that one. i have found christian hill, personal injury lawyer's blog on 2 occasions.
God Bless
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